I have been living in the Netherlands for quite a while. I have seen, heard and done a lot of things and I want to put them down in writing for myself and share them.

After mulling about this idea and retaining topics to write in my head (yes, the most spacious hard disk and the best hard disk ever, provided you're not forgetful), finally this blog comes to life on 21st of January 2010 at 15.13 local time.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nu Iedere Zondag is Koopzondag (t/m midden December)

From 31st October until 19th December 2010 Makro is also open every Sunday.
Unlike Indonesia, shops are usually closed on Sundays here. But in preparation to "embrace" Sinterklaas and Christmas, some are now also open on Sundays because it is now the perfect period to make money. People start buying gifts for the children, things/decorations for the Christmas and gifts for the Christmas.

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