I have been living in the Netherlands for quite a while. I have seen, heard and done a lot of things and I want to put them down in writing for myself and share them.

After mulling about this idea and retaining topics to write in my head (yes, the most spacious hard disk and the best hard disk ever, provided you're not forgetful), finally this blog comes to life on 21st of January 2010 at 15.13 local time.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ready for winter

Today, when I woke up, I saw the street was white. Hey, what is that now? Oh... it's a thin layer of snow. Yes, it was -2 centigrade last night. Unfortunately, as the day goes by and the temperature goes up just above the freezing point, it will melt away.

But there is one thing for sure now. Winter is lurking at the corner. He can barge into your life anytime soon now.

First layer of snow on 27th November 2010:

Friday, November 26, 2010

I dreamt again of...

A few days ago I had a scary dream about my sick dog.
I really hope she got better and eventually well.
There is not a day or night goes by without me wishing her to get better.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dutch Forest (Otterlo)

Last tuesday the weather was very nice. The sun was shining and the sky was blue.
I did not hesitate to take advantage of this. I went for a walk in Otterlo and the forest nearby. Walking is a popular activity here, especially when the weather is nice. But because it was just a working day, I did not come across many people during my walk - in the town, yes, but not in the forest.
Here are some photo's of a Dutch forest.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Netherlands under water

The Netherlands and water are enemies. 
The Netherlands is called the Netherlands because it is a geographically low-lying country, with about 25% of its area and 21% of its population located below sea level, with 50% of its land lying less than one meter above sea level. 
It is amazing that, compared to Indonesia, the Netherlands does not get flooded often. So far I have never experienced a flood here but here are a few video's of the Netherlands and its water problems:
Enschede, August 2010
Enschede, August 2010
Oldenzaal, 2010
Baarlo, November 2010

News on 13th November 2010:

"Langdurige regen heeft zaterdag voor veel wateroverlast in Noord-Brabant en Limburg gezorgd. In de strook tussen Eindhoven en Venray viel tussen vrijdag 15.00 uur en zaterdag 15.00 uur tussen de 50 en 60 millimeter regen."

The rain that lasted for long on Saturday created water problems in North Brabant and Limburg. Between Eindhoven and Venray the rainfall between Friday 15.00 and Saturday 15.00 was between 50 and 60 millimeter.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I dreamt of...

Early this morning between 6.30 and 8.00 I dreamt of my dog, Bonny.
Now I'm wondering what the significance of this dream is.
She is very sick. Her kidneys are not doing so well.
Is this her way of saying good bye to me or is this a sign that she's getting better?
I do wish it is the later but I don't want her to suffer.
The terrible thing is that I can not be there. We are separated by a few continents and oceans.
I can only think of her and pray.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Postworkers on strike today

Today postworkers in the whole Netherlands went on strike.

And I just heard on TV that they are going to go on strike again next week.
Hmm... when is going on strike in Indonesia done in such a regular and peaceful way?

First freeze

It's a cold cold day but oh so sunny.
When I looked out into the garden, I saw the grass was white-ish in colour. What is that now? Oh... that's just because the temperature went to 0 last night so the dews froze on the grass making it sparkle and making it look a bit white in colour.

And the glass on the car...

Nu Iedere Zondag is Koopzondag (t/m midden December)

From 31st October until 19th December 2010 Makro is also open every Sunday.
Unlike Indonesia, shops are usually closed on Sundays here. But in preparation to "embrace" Sinterklaas and Christmas, some are now also open on Sundays because it is now the perfect period to make money. People start buying gifts for the children, things/decorations for the Christmas and gifts for the Christmas.

Saturday's Surprise

Saturday's surprise in town.
I went to town last Saturday and to my surprise it was already so busy in town. Usually around the time I went to town it is not so busy yet. I saw policemen and policewomen - more than the usual numbers. Hmm, I think to myself, is there something going on in town today? What could it be? Then the idea hit me. Of course, the Sinterklaastocht.

Even though the Sinterklaas (birth)day is supposed to be on 5th December, the tocht is usually carried out a couple of weeks before.

Tocht = Tour

Friday, November 12, 2010

Wind oh wind

I swear I did not move the trees.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sint-Maarten (the celebration, not the island)

St. Maarten, celebrated on November 11 (or sometimes the night before) is a celebration of goodness and humility. It is especially famous in Groningen, Drenthe, Noord-Holland (West Friesland), Brabant and Limburg

St. Maarten is based on a legend. Martinus (Martin) was born in the year 316 in what today is known as Hungary. He died on November 11, 397 and on the feast of this saint it is customary to give children candy - just like in Halloween.
The festival is actually a 'festival of lights' for children.
The tradition is that children themselves make a lantern from paper, cardboard, sugar beet or a hollowed pumpkin with a candle inside and then they go from houses to houses. At the door they will sing you a song in return for candies.

This year, though, those who celebrated St. Maarten yesterday night were lucky. The weather today for the Netherlands is not good. It is now, as I'm writing this, very windy and raining quite hard. The celebration may even (or should) be canceled because this is not the weather for kids to be wandering around outside just to get a few candies.

Photo's from Dagblad, 2010
Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands

Christmas began early at Intratuin

It is not the Netherlands if you do not start things very very very early.
Everything always starts at least 2 months before it is due. Shops will start selling Christmas stuffs at the end on October and by Christmas you will see a lot of hearts and romantic stuffs being sold in shops for the Valentine's Day.

Intratuin, for example, started their Christmas show (a floor especially dedicated to selling Christmas stuffs) 2 months before Christmas is due.

These photos were taken at the end of October this year.

Getting Ready for Sinterklaas & Zwarte Piet

Sinterklaas & Zwarte Piet... hmmm... that reminds me of the story I was always told when I was a kid. But in that story, Sinterklaas & Zwarte Piet always came during Christmas period instead on December 5th and Zwarte Piet was someone you should be afraid of if you had been a naughty kid. They story was that Zwarte Piet would put you in his sack and/or hit your butt with his broom.

Anyway, as always here in the Netherlands, the preparation for the event itself came very early. This photo was taken a couple of weeks ago. Note that the Sinterklaas' day is celebrated on December 5th.

More on Sinterklaas & Zwarte Piet to come on December 5th.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Amsterdam Shopping Scenes

Barely could walk.
Just being pushed here and there.
Shopping or even walking on the main shopping street of Amsterdam is always an experience.

Autumn Colours 4

Compare this with the photo on Autumn Colours 3.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Pasar Bantu

Today there was some kind of Asian Market event in Apeldoorn with Asian dances, singer and food and stalls selling all kinds of stuffs. It was a (very) small scale event to me who is used to pasar malam or fairs in Indonesia.
I had kue lapis (spekkoek - that's what they call it here) and it reminded me very much of Indonesia. Made me kind of missing home.
This was actually a 2-day event that started yesterday.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

KvK Startersdag 6 November 2010

KvK Startersdag 6 November 2010
This event was intended for entrepeneurs-to-be or new entrepeneurs.
I had a chance to visit it today. The first (right) step towards entrepeneurship (hopefully).

Conclusion: It seems so complicated to start your own business. So many (or too many?) regulations and conditions to take into account.

I'm just going to sleep on it tonight. Tomorrow is another day.
At least today I did something new. I took a great step to what is hopefully the right direction. And in any case, it was a new experience.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010