I have been living in the Netherlands for quite a while. I have seen, heard and done a lot of things and I want to put them down in writing for myself and share them.

After mulling about this idea and retaining topics to write in my head (yes, the most spacious hard disk and the best hard disk ever, provided you're not forgetful), finally this blog comes to life on 21st of January 2010 at 15.13 local time.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bitchin' About Holland

Today, just after we finished watching Flashpoint, I threw a question at my boyfriend (the matter of the question is not really important here and for the sake of this posting, the question had nothing to do with Holland). Maybe he was tired or maybe he had his reason but he reacted so disinterested and discouraging that I felt stung.
When later he noticed I was unhappy about something, he asked why and I told him that after a day with not really anyone to talk to, I was longing for some adult conversation.
He said that with me it was not really a conversation and that I was more looking for a 'bin' where i could offload verbally and that I always bitched about Holland (he is Dutch).
I wonder if there is some truth in this.
Maybe I am looking for a 'bin' to offload verbally but can you really blame me after a day not talking to anyone? I mean really talking - the small talks in a shop between myself and the shopkeeper or cashier don't count.
Maybe I do bitch (read: critize) about Holland but who doesn't? I'm sure even the Dutch bitch about Holland every now and then. Every now and then I just get so frustrated that I just have to offload - or 'to bitch about it' if you prefer.
I do try to be less critical (or 'bitchy' if you prefer) but sometimes I just have my moments. Sometimes I just feel that I fight this hopeless battle on my own. And during those moments, am I not allowed to be bad to feel a little bit better?
If my offloading or criticizing is seen as bitching, then bitching it is.
If I'm bitching too much about Holland, then give me a good reason to stop.

PS: I guess it's commonly acceptable for a citizen to bitch about his country but it's not ok for someone else to bitch about that citizen's country.

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