I have been living in the Netherlands for quite a while. I have seen, heard and done a lot of things and I want to put them down in writing for myself and share them.

After mulling about this idea and retaining topics to write in my head (yes, the most spacious hard disk and the best hard disk ever, provided you're not forgetful), finally this blog comes to life on 21st of January 2010 at 15.13 local time.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

My (old) experience with V&D

This post is also posted in my friendster blog. The reasons I post it here are:
1. I am not active in FS anymore.
2. I want to have most of (if not all) my postings in one blog.
Klantvriendelijk??? NIET!!!!
November 28th, 2008

I went to V&D this afternoon at around 2.15 pm in my city. V&D is one of the major department stores in the Netherlands. Bad experience with one of the shopkeepers there.

I went to the fitting room to try on some clothes - 2 long-sleeved T-shirts and a pair of pants. There was no one to watch the fitting room… but this is not unusual at V&D. And I’ve been to many V&D’s for so many times so I know the routine. I went in… looked for a ‘room’. I saw one of the bigger rooms was empty… naturally I went for that. Who would not if you could get a bigger room??? Someone had used the room. I saw a hanger and a price-tag lying on the floor. That is also not unusual in a changing room. So I went on trying my clothes. None was good. When I went out the fitting room, a shopkeeper with short blond hair and blue skirt (V&D uniform) was taking care of the clothes left-behind by other fitters. That was not unusual so I took no great notice of that and went on my way to return my clothes to where they were. In front of the fitting room, I stopped to look at some other T-shirts. The shopkeeper who seemed to be around 30-40 approached me and asked for the clothes that were still in my hand. I still had the clothes that I meant to return to their racks. I thought… ‘now… unusual’. They don’t usually ask for the clothes you bring out of the changing room after you are well away from the changing room… But I did not think much about it because by giving her the clothes, I would not have to return them myself to their original racks. So I gave her the clothes. Then she stuck out the hanger with the price tag from the ‘room’ I used. She said something. I assumed she was asking about why there was a left hanger in the room. I said, in my limited Dutch, that it was not a clothing I tried on and that I did not know anything about it. She asked to look inside my bag. I started feeling that something was not right. I felt that she suspected me of stealing the lingerie that used to hang on that hanger. But ok, they do that all the time - look inside someone’s bag if they suspect something. Usually if the sensors by the shop’s entrance/exit make those beeping noises, though. But I was nowhere near the entrance/exit. I was IN the shop, still shopping around. But ok, I did not want to cause a scene so I let her look inside my bag. So she did and saw nothing there. I thought that was that. But no. To my irritation she pressed on. She asked if I could come back to the fitting room to see if I did not have the lingerie on me. I said “I did not even try the thing on.” She said, “Are you sure? Because now you still have a chance…”. A chance for what? A chance that she would not turn me in to the police if she found the lingerie on me???? I said again “I’m sure. I did not even try it on.” She pressed on. “Are you sure? Because you had so many clothes…”, she said again and she went through the clothes I tried on, which by now already hung at her “clothes rack”. By that time I was so irritated that I spoke louder that I usually do. I said,”I am sure. You can look if you want.” She kept pressing on. She asked if i could open the coat I was wearing so she could see the strap of bra!!! That was outrageous. But I am by nature not a person who is confrontative. And it was embarassing so I just wanted it to be over as quickly as possible. So I did what she asked. She saw no stolen bra and she said ”ok”. That’s it. No apology. NOTHING. She had on a long face during this ordeal. Not even an ounce of politeness.

Never in my whole life had I been treated like I was a thief before - and an already convicted thief at that. Whatever happens to ‘not guilty until proven otherwise’? Whatever happens to ‘klantvriendelijk’ (client-friendly)? Whatever happens to ‘politeness’?

This kind of klanvriendelijk-NOT can only be experienced in the Netherlands. Last year, when I was still a student, I also got a bad experience with one of the chain clothing stores in the NL, namely H&M. But that was not so bad compared to this experience at V&D. By H&M it was just a teenager shopkeeper who made a mistake but he did not apologize. Today was a much more irritating and degrading experience.

Klantvriendelijk???? These dutch people should have their dictionary check. Which part of klantvriendelijk that they don’t understand???

A new note on this: If I could, I would have done it differently. I would have fired my anger at this particular shopkeeper right there right then. Next time something like that happens to me again, I WILL get angry and demand to see the person in charge.

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