I have been living in the Netherlands for quite a while. I have seen, heard and done a lot of things and I want to put them down in writing for myself and share them.

After mulling about this idea and retaining topics to write in my head (yes, the most spacious hard disk and the best hard disk ever, provided you're not forgetful), finally this blog comes to life on 21st of January 2010 at 15.13 local time.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rambling thoughts

Earlier this morning when I woke up and started my day, I was engulfed with feelings of sadness and loneliness.

I just had to cry while sending and receiving sms's from my mother.

I missed a familiar face.
I missed my mother's familiar face.
I missed Kara's comforting gestures.
Her wanting to be as close to me as possible by sleeping in front of or in the room where I sleep.
Her licking my hand or face to wake me up.
Her greeting me in the morning as though she is very happy and is never tired to see me.
I missed Panda's stubborn acts.
Her carefreeness,  no worries on her shoulders.
The wagging of her tail.
I just missed those familiar things.

I still am missing those things.

In the hope to take my mind off these things, I turned on the TV and watched a few episodes of Dog Whisperer.

I've thought of taking up another education but I just don't know which one to do.
Considering my passions, I feel that a study related to animals and/or travelling would be perfect for me.
After seeing Dog Whisperer and since I like animals, dogs in particular, why not consider something related to animals' wellbeing?
But I have my doubts.
I can help animals without having animals but would the clients then have faith in me?
How could I do something with animals if I did not have animals?
I could try.
Maybe I should just do it for the fun of it. For my own enjoyment without taking into account whether it would lead me to a job or not. But I just can not let the thought of doing something that would also help my future and not just for pure pleasure go. Not just yet.

A lot of other things have crossed my mind too in my times of feeling lost.
Some of these thoughts might be justified. Others might not.
I thought if I had a job, I would not have felt these things.
I thought that if I had a dog, I could go out and meet people. Even if I was shy by nature, the dog would help me break the ice. And if that does not work, at least I would be forced to go out of the house and to exercise by walking the dog and maybe, just maybe, I would feel less lonely.

This post may not make any sense to you, the reader. It does not mean to make any sense. It's just a post about my rambling thoughts.

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